The world of an artist is one where the benefits gained match that of the time put in.
Tyler B Murphy spends much of his time trying to figure out two things. Firstly it is how to gain the skills necessary to make the best art that he can. Secondly he investigates all ideas, concepts, opinions and theories, on who is trying to gain control of this physical realm we inhabit and to what end.
The first is very much a “feet on the ground” pursuit while the second is a “head in the clouds” state of mind. He is never totally in either one of these states, rather each one endlessly informs the other.
With the gaining of skills comes the desire for more knowledge, and likewise an increase in knowledge creates the need for more abilities. The quest is unrelenting and perpetual.
Tyler shoots photographs on film along the way as inspiration grabs him, these images destined to be printed can at the same time adopt a secondary function as subjects within artworks.
Black and white are the two contrasts, the known and constant, with the illusion of grey they create representing the revolving and unresolved ideas.
In ‘Gain Of Function’ Tyler is exploring a new medium and the notion of removing pigment from a surface to create the image rather than by adding pigment to a surface. For the exhibition centre pieces he has experimented with white plaster and black oxide, the plaster surface is stained with oxide which is in turn selectively scraped away to illustrate the image. In these monolithic artworks the journey of discovery and learning is as important as the art itself. The process equals the result.